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摘要 塑料工业是当今世界上增长最快的工业门类之一,而注塑模具是其中发展较快的种类,因此,研究注塑模具对了解塑料产品的生产过程和提高产品质量有很大意义。
关键词 塑料模具  分型面  标准
The plastic injection modle design of Lid
Abstract Now The plastics industry is one of the growing quickest industry classes in the world, but the injection mold is develops the quick type. Therefore, There have biggist significance to research injection mold to understood that the plastic of production process and improve the product quality.
This design introduced the basic principle of injection molding, specially single is divided the profile to inject mold's structure and the principle of work, That proposes the basic design principle of products; Introduced the details of the system that are cold flow channel injection of mold gating、the temperature control system and the design process of going against system, and has given the explanation to the mold intensity request;
Through this design, may to cast the mold to have a preliminary understanding, notes some certain detail questions in design, understands the mold structure and the principle of working.
Key Word The plastic Mold  Parting Line  Standard

目  录
第一章 前言 - 4 -
1.1模具工业在国民经济中的地位 - 4 -
1.2各种模具的分类和占有量 - 5 -
1.3我国模具工业的现状 - 5 -
1.4世界五大塑料生产国的产能状况 - 6 -
1.5 我国模具技术的现状及发展趋势 - 8 -
第二章 注塑件的设计 - 10 -
2.1 功能设计 - 10 -
2.2 材料 - 10 -
2.3 结构 - 12 -
2.4 塑件工艺性分析 - 13 -
第三章 注塑成型的准备 - 15 -
3.1 注塑成型工艺简介 - 15 -
3.2 注塑成型工艺条件 - 16 -
3.3注塑机的选择 - 17 -
3.4注射机有关参数的校核和最终选择 - 19 -
3.5模具开模行程校核 - 20 -
3.6注塑机的参数校核 - 21 -
第四章 模具设计 - 22 -
4.1 塑料配方说明 - 22 -
4.2 分型面的确定 - 22 -
4.3型腔数目的确定 - 23 -
4.4浇口确定 - 23 -
4.5模具材料的选择 - 23 -
4.6浇注系统设计 - 24 -
4.7标准模架的选择 - 26 -
4.8导向与定位机构 - 27 -
4.9顶出系统设计 - 28 -
4.10成型零件工作尺寸的计算 - 30 -
4.11排气设计 - 31 -
4.12温度调节系统设计 - 32 -
结论 - 40 -
参考文献 - 41 -
致谢 - 42 -
附录 - 43 -

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