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更新时间:2015-11-30 12:27:59

摘    要


This is a design of a bushing die which made of  Acrylonitrile-butadine-styrene(use the brief name ABS in the file) and has two through holes in a six square bodies. The solution of the bushing is plastic injection mold.
First,learn some knowledge of plastic and injector, then design the mold. This mold is two cavities in it, and the side core lay on a horizontal line. The next step is to choose the injector depend on the size and shape of the work piece. The XS-ZY-1000 lie type threads injector. All through design has two through hole in the bushing, the angle pin and side core was adopted. Design the feet system, ensure the sprue and the runner, the gate is pin-point gate, and there are three pin-point gate in either work piece.  Calculate the path and stalk size of core and cavities. Calculate the angle pin, slide and locking heel’s size and form, and then design ejector system. Choose the right mold bases. And at last validate the size of angle pin and the shot capacity, injection pressure and the others parameters.

Key Words:plastic injection mold    XS-ZY-1000 injector ABS(Acrylonitrile-butadine-styrene)    oblique post drawing cores    
two cavities in one mold

目    录
第一章 绪  论 1
1.1 引言 1
第二章 塑料知识及选用 4
2.1塑料的定义 4
2.2塑料的分类 4
2.2.1按使用特性分类 4
2.2.2按理化特性分类 4
2.2.3按加工方法分类 5
2.3塑料的选用 5
2.3.1塑料的选用 5
2.3.2注塑工艺条件 5
2.3.3 典型用途 6
第三章 注塑机知识及选用 7
3.1注塑机的分类 7
3.1.1 注射机按外型结构特征分类 7
3.1.2 注射机按塑化方式分类 7
3.2注塑机的选用 8
第四章 模具设计 9
4.1分型面的设计 9
4.2模具型腔布局 9
4.3浇注系统的设计 9
4.3.1主流道设计 10
4.3.2分流道设计 10
4.3.3浇口的设计 10
4.4确定成形零部件工作尺寸 10
4.5侧向分型与抽芯机构设计 11
4.5.1抽芯距的确定 11
4.5.2抽芯力的确定 12
4.5.3斜导柱的确定 12
4.5.4滑块定位装置设计 13
4.5.5锁模块设计 14
4.5.6滑块定位装置的设计 14
4.6推出脱模机构的设计 14
4.6.1顺序脱模机构的设计 14
第五章 注射机校核 16
5.1注射量的校核 16
5.2注射压力校核 16
5.3锁模力校核 16
5.4模具高度与注射机闭合高度的关系校核 17
5.5开模行程的校核 17
讨    论 19
参考文献 20
附录1: 英文资料及中文翻译 21
致    谢 34

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